Contact Filters - a feature available in many places

Contact Filters - a feature available in many places

The Contact Filters appear in many places on Makerble

For an overview of how they work, read this: Contact Filters

Places where the Contact Filters functionality appears

  1. Manage Contacts page - Overview tab Contact Filters

  2. Manage Contacts page - Demographics tab Demographics - using the Category Splits tab on the Contacts page

  3. Manage Contacts page - Compare tab

  4. Manage Contacts page - Productivity tab Productivity Trends tab on the Manage Contacts page

  5. Progress Board Contact Filters on a Progress Board

  6. Send a Survey to contacts Manually send a survey to a contact in Identifiable Mode

  7. Maps page See contacts on a map

  1. Homepage in the Contacts widget: Contacts widget: Filter the contacts shown in the Contacts widget on your Homepage

  2. Create Broadcast (sending message via sms, email or mailchimp) Send a bulk SMS or Email to a group of contacts immediately or scheduled for later (i.e. send a Broadcast)