Demographics - using the Category Splits tab on the Contacts page

Demographics - using the Category Splits tab on the Contacts page

You can report on the characteristics of your contacts from the Splits tab in the Contacts App

  • See a Results Box for every characteristic (i.e. List field) that is used in your Contact Forms

  • Download each chart or copy the dataset it’s based on


  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Choose Contacts

  3. You arrive in the Contacts App on the Overview tab

  4. Select the Splits tab

  5. You arrive in the Splits tab

  6. A data box appears for each characteristic (i.e. List field that is used on your Contact Forms)

    1. There are three views of each dataset

      1. Bar Chart

      2. Pie Chart

      3. Table

  7. Press Display Chart to view the Bar Chart for that dataset

  8. The Bar Chart loads

  9. Alternatively click Pie Chart or Table to see that view of the dataset

  10. To filter the data, for example to see only the data relating to people who have attended sessions a minimum of 3 times:

    1. press the Filter Contacts button

    2. select the criteria you want to filter by (To find out how to use the Contact Filters, read this article)

    3. Press Apply

    4. The charts will update automatically to show the filtered information


  • The information of the number of contacts that have missing data in a particular field is displayed in all the three views ie., Bar chart, Pie chart and Table.

  • Keys are displayed below each Bar chart and Pie chart, so that the user can click the items in the key to make that part of the chart appear and disappear.

  • In the Table view, when one of the numbers are clicked, the contacts will be listed in alphabetical order.

Bar Chart

Pie Chart


Download a chart or dataset

  1. Select the 'burger menu' button in the top right of each Results box

  2. A drop-down menu appears

  3. Select a Download option to save the chart to your device

Sample charts

If you have Thresholds enabled, your page is going to look different. For steps on how to view a page with Thresholds, go to: Read/See the results according to the Threshold(contacts page)


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