Report on the number of referrals

Report on the number of referrals

You can report on the number of contacts who were referred to your organisation.

Charts available

  • Contacts referred per Month - split by Referral Source

  • Contacts referred per Month - split by Referring Organisation

  • Contacts referred per Month - split by Referring Individual

Steps to access the charts

Referral Tracking must be turned on in order to see the Referrals Received charts

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Contacts

    1. (if you don’t see Contacts appear. Go to your Home, then select the title of Contacts in the Contacts box in the top left. If you do not see this option, go to your Control Panel and select Contacts)

  3. Select the Productivity tab

  4. You arrive on the Productivity tab within the Contacts App

  5. Scroll down until you see the Referrals Received charts.

    1. One chart shows the referrals received from organisations

    2. The other charts the referrals received from individuals.

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