Manage Contacts page

Manage Contacts page

The Manage Contacts page is the first page you arrive on within the Contacts App.

How to access the Manage Contacts page

There are several ways to access this page

  • From the Homepage (select the Contacts title that appears in the top left of the screen)

  • From the My Apps menu (click the My Apps button in the top menu [purple arrow], wait for the tray of Apps to appear, then select the Contacts button [blue arrow]. Note: this shortcut only appears once you have created contacts yourself)

  • From a Project page (there are three methods)

    • 1. Select Contacts in the cover section of the Project page

    • 2. Or press More Options in the cover section of the Project page and then select Contacts from the dropdown menu

    • 3. Or press the title of the Contacts box on the right sidebar

Ways to use the Manage Contacts page

  • Setup Your Forms - If you are an Organization Admin or Project Creator then the purple button (red arrow in the screenshot below) will be visible. On clicking the button, you will be redirected to the Forms for Contacts page where you can get started with designing the forms for your contacts.


  • Filter Contacts - You can use filters to find a list of contacts that match specific criteria. Click the Contact Filters button on the Manage Contacts page to get started.



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Setup your Forms for Contacts

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