Find a contact

Find a contact

Find who you’re looking for with Search and Filters

Thanks to powerful search and customisable filters, you’ll always find the contacts you’re looking for in just a few clicks.

There are various ways to find a contact on Makerble


Top-level Search Bar

When you view Makerble in desktop mode, the Search bar (blue arrow) appears at the top of every page. You can use this to search for contacts. You do not need to press Enter to initiate the search; simply type and wait for the results to appear.

Contacts App search bar

When you are within the Contacts App a Search Contacts search bar (orange arrow) is visible above the table. Use this to type in the name of the contact you want to find. You do not need to press Enter to initiate the search; simply type and wait for the results to appear.

Filter Contacts button in the Contacts App

When you are within the Contacts App the Contact Filters button is visible (pink arrow). This allows you to use various filters to limit the number of contacts that are displayed in the table. Note that the Filters remember your previous settings so consider pressing Reset whenever you arrive on the Manage Contacts page.

Column Sorting in the Overview tab of the Contacts App

You can click the title of each column while you are in the Overview tab to sort the dataset according to that column in either alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.

Pagination in the Contacts App

You can use the page numbers (see the green arrow) to jump between the different pages of your contacts while you are in the Contacts App. Click the name of a contact to go to their Contact Profile Page.

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