Decide which Forms to use on each Project

Decide which Forms to use on each Project

You can decide which Forms to use on each of your Projects.

What are forms?

Type of form

What it creates (or edits)

When to use it

How to add this form to a project

Type of form

What it creates (or edits)

When to use it

How to add this form to a project

Contact Form

A contact

  • When you want to create a new contact, e.g.

    • register a new person

    • register a new referral partner

  • Or when you want to edit an existing contact’s record and add additional information


  • use Contact Forms to store demographic information, communication preferences and other static information about a contact.

  • Use surveys to collect progress or evidence of impact.

  • Data from surveys can be reported as change over time whereas data from Contact Forms is presented as static pie charts.

How to add a contact form to a project


A story or a survey response

  • When you want to collect survey responses or stories that contains

    • Feedback

    • Progress towards a progress tracker (i.e. an output or indicator)

    • Evidence of outcomes and impact

    • Anecdotes


  • Survey responses can be

    • tagged to an individual contact

    • but they can also be used to collect aggregate data, e.g. where you aren’t tagging the progress to an individual contact who exists as a record in your Contacts App

How to add a survey to a project

Case Form

A case

  • When you want to categorise the work you do with a single contact into different distinct workstreams.

  • It means that each story and survey response relating to that contact can be tagged with the specific case it relates to


How to add a Case Form to a project

Event creation form

An event

  • When you want to track the attendance of your contacts at specific appointments, sessions and events

How to add an event booking form to a project

Event booking form

Edits the row for that guest in the Event Guests table on an event’s page

  • When you want to record event-specific information about a contact (guest), e.g. the name of the person who will be collecting a child after a specific event

How to add an event booking form to a project

Project form

A project

  • When you want to create a new project


Attachment field (for a contact’s bio)

A file that is uploaded to a contact’s bio

  • When you want to upload a file to a contact’s bio, for example, uploading a person’s CV.

How to add an attachment field to a Contact Form

Attachment fields (in other places)

A file that is uploaded to

  • a story

  • a survey response

  • an event

  • an event booking form

  • a project

If there are files that you want to attach to records on Makerble, you can use an Attachment field to allow that information to be uploaded.


In the Blueprints

You can use the Blueprints spreadsheet to map out which forms you intend to use on which projects