An overview of your onboarding process

An overview of your onboarding process

Welcome to Makerble!

Onboarding process







A completed Projects Design that indicates which forms, surveys, etc will be used on each project


All your forms, surveys, etc available on Makerble, ready for you to test, use and share


All your compatible historical content available within Makerble, ready for you to view and analyse


All your staff and wider team trained up on the platform, ready to use it day to day

The Design process

What do you want to achieve?


From here we’ll drill down into the customer journey(s) that suit your use of the platform and define the specific projects, surveys, forms, metrics and reporting solutions you need.


The Build process

Once your platform is built there’ll be a period for User Acceptance Testing where a small representative group of your users can use the platform with the intention of identifying any changes that need to be made.

The Import process

The Embed process

We’ll work with you to decide who gets trained on what and when.


What to do next

  1. Learn the basics of Makerble

  2. Start the Design process

Additional resources

Watch a video walkthrough of the onboarding process

Here’s an overview of what your onboarding process is going to look like when you work with one of our Onboarding Specialists or choose to apply this process yourself.

Download the Onboarding Overview

Typical milestones in your onboarding process

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