Edit a Contact Form

Edit a Contact Form

You can edit a Contact Form that you are using, even if it is already being used by your contacts.

If you remove a field from a Contact Form which is in use, it will remove the data entered for the individual contacts who had data in that specific field.

If you want the location of your contacts to be able to be displayed on a map, use the standard Address field which is automatically included on your Contact Form


  1. Select My Apps in the top menu.

  2. Select Contact Forms.

  3. You arrive on the Contact Forms page.

  4. Press the cog icon next to the name of the Contact Form.

  5. A menu appears. Press Edit.

  6. You arrive on the Edit Contact Form page

  7. From here you can

    1. Change the Contact Type by selecting the radio button ie., whether you want the contact form to be about A Person or An Organization (You can see more types by pressing the Show More button).

    2. Change the role or create a new role by selecting Create a New Role from the drop-down list.

      1. When you select Create a New Role, a pop-up appears, asking you to enter the Role's name.

      2. Once you have entered the name of the Role, click on Save. A new role is created which you can now use to edit the contact form.

    3. Edit the Name of the Contact Form.

    4. Create a new field (press the Create a field or Question button.)


    5. Find an existing field to add to the form (Use the Search bar and/or the Field filter checkboxes in the Your Library of fields section. Search results will appear to the right of the Field filter checkboxes)

    6. Remove fields from the form (press the image-20240220-070319.png symbol shown to the right of the field in the Your Contact Form section)

    7. Reorder fields on the form (press the Up/Down arrows next to the fields in the Your Contact Form section on the right).

    8. Change the input type for a List field, e.g. from Single Choice to Limited Multiple Choice or Unlimited Multiple Choice

    9. Make a field mandatory or optional. (By default, all fields aside from Name are optional. To make a field mandatory, click the Mandatory tickbox shown below the name of the field in the Your Contact Form section)


    10. Edit the Internal Description (shown to your colleagues who are signed in)and/or External Description (shown to anyone who has a link to the sign-up page) by clicking on the Edit Description text next to the Mandatory checkbox.

      1. The Internal Description of a Current Field is displayed in italics and green text and the External Description of a Current Field is displayed in italics and purple text.

      2. On clicking the Edit Description text, a pop-up window opens. Edit the description for Internal Description and/or External Description or click on Clear to remove all the descriptions.

      3. Press Save once you are done editing the descriptions of the current field.

  8. After making changes, scroll to the bottom and press Save.

  9. You are returned to the Contact Forms Profile page.


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