Design your hierarchy of projects and albums
Design your hierarchy of projects and albums so that you organise your work on Makerble® in the same way that you organise your work within your organisation.
Step 1: Pick your model
Several Activities: 1 Location
Create a project for each activity
To report the results from across all your activities, create an album for that location and add your projects to it
1 Activity: Several Locations
Create a project for your activity in each location it happens in
To report the results of the activity from across all your locations, create an album and add your activity projects to it
Several Activities: Several Locations
Create a project for each activity in each location
For example, if you have 3 activities which each happen in 3 locations, you’ll have 9 projects
You can then group those projects into albums, with an album for each Activity (each one will have 3 projects) and an album for each Location (each one will have 3 projects)
And because projects can be part of several albums, you can organise your albums in as many ways as you want to
Multinational: Several Themes: Several Activities: Several Locations
Create a project for each activity
Create an album for each programme and add its Activity Projects to that album
Create an album for each initiative and add all the Activity Projects from both programmes to that album, i.e. Activities 1-5
Create an album for each pillar and add the Activities from all the initiatives' programmes to it, i.e. Activities 1-8
Create an album fir each country and add the Activities from the pillars' initiatives' programmes' to it
To report across the entire organisation, add all the Activity Projects to an album.
Click the image to see it larger
Step 2: design each Project
You can customise the settings of each project in a lot of detail
You can control every part of a project:
Projects work best when you organise your work at the smallest scale. There are 2 reasons for this:
Flexibility when it comes to reporting
Simplicity for your coworkers
Flexibility when it comes to reporting
When you’ve divided your work into small chunks, it’s very easy to combine them again in various ways
If you need to report your work by Country, Theme or any other way of categorising your work, it’s easy to do this when you simply need to add all the projects of that ‘category’ into an album
Simplicity for your workers
Your coworkers will thank you for making their lives easier
When you have several focussed projects where, for example, you’ve
specified the surveys that need to be used,
specified the registration forms that need to be used
specified the event types that need to be used,
your coworkers will find the system straightforward because the only decision they need to make is to choose which project they are working on - once they’ve done that, everything else is laid out for them.
Whereas when you have broader projects with some surveys that are used in certain situations but other surveys that are used in others, it introduces complexity which means
You need to spend more time training your staff how to use the system
Your staff are more likely to make mistakes because they might use the wrong survey or the wrong form in a given scenario
Step 3: put your projects in their Albums
If you like to plan ahead, use the Projects per Album Blueprints tab to allocate your projects to their respective albums
Then (or if you’d rather dive right in to the platform) create your Albums and start adding projects to them