Add Answer Choice Explanations
Answer Choice Explanations are descriptions that explain the meaning of each Answer Choice in a Multiple Choice Question. These explanations are visible to survey respondents.
Add an Explanation to an Answer Choice
Imagine you have a Multiple Choice Question with 5 answer choices.
The question is What is your level of confidence
and the Answer Choices are a numerical scale of 1 to 5
By adding an Explanation you can ensure that respondents know for example that 1 means Very Low and 5 means Very High
The Explanations are saved within that set of Answer Choices
Create new Explanations when using Shared Answer Choices
Imagine you are creating a second question, What is your level of resilience and you want to use a 5 point scale for that as well
Rather than creating a new scale, you can reuse the Answer Choices from your previous question by
Selecting Start with an existing set of Answer Choices
Choosing a set of Answer Choices from the dropdown list
Picking What is your level of confidence
This causes the Answer Choices to automatically appear as well as their Explanations
If you want to use different Explanations, select Create new descriptions
This lets you change the Explanations
Reuse existing Explanations when using Shared Answer Choices
Imagine there’s a third question you want to ask: What is your level of interdependence and you want to use the same 5 point scale that you’ve used previously
Once again you can choose Start with an existing set of Answer Choices
And then select What is your level of confidence
But because there are now two sets of Explanations there is a dropdown list
In the dropdown list you can choose between the first and second sets of explanations
This is what it would look like if you chose the explanations from What is your level of resilience
So you can either choose from the existing Explanations or you could click Create new description again to create a new Explanation
The Next Step
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