Project States: Waiting List, Enrolled, Alumni, Declined

Project States: Waiting List, Enrolled, Alumni, Declined

States are useful when you work with individual contacts.

How states work

  • By default every project has an Enrolled state.

  • Whenever a contact is added to a project, they are added to its Enrolled state.

  • You can add additional states to a project that reflect your onboarding process for new contacts.

  • There are four states available: Waiting List, Enrolled, Declined, Alumni

  • A contact can be in different states of different projects. E.g. they can be in the Waiting List of your Counselling project and in the Enrolled state of your Healthy Living project

  • You can move contacts between states. Whenever you do, that movement is recorded on the contact’s profile record in the History section of the timeline.


How it’s typically used


How it’s typically used

Waiting List

You can create an external referral form that automatically adds contacts to a project’s Waiting List.

  • That way, when you are on the Manage Contacts page, you can see at a glance the contacts who have recently been created but whom you have not yet processed, i.e. moved to the Enrolled state or Declined state (if they are ineligible for your services)


When you start working with a contact, add them to the Enrolled list of that particular project.

  • Several parts of the platform that show you your contacts will by default filter the contacts displayed to only those that are in a project’s Enrolled state.

  • E.g. the Message Guests popup, Send Survey page and Create Story about Multiple Contacts page.

  • However you can use filters to display the contacts in other states of the project as well if necessary


Once you have stopped working with a contact on a project, move them to the Alumni state


If a contact is ineligible for one of your services, move them to the Declined state of that project

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