

A Project is the main way to organise the work you do of a particular type and in a particular location.

What you’ll learn on this page

Every project has a profile page

This is an example of a Project' Profile page.

You can create as many Projects as you like

  • Every project is created within your organisation

  • How to do it? Click Create in the top menu → select Project → then you arrive on the Create Project Page.

You can store contacts within a project

Track progress within a project

  • You can make your Theory of Change measurable on Makerble.

  • Every project has a Project Metrics page that lets you arrange the outputs, outcomes and indicators being tracked on that project.

  • Another term for this is a Logic Model.

  • Logic Models are a practical way to measure progress towards a theory of change because they allow you to visualise the sequence of outcomes being achieved but also see the progress being made towards each one.

Deploy surveys within a project

Create events within a project and track attendance

Ways to Get Started with Projects

Other things you can do with projects