Move a contact between project states - e.g. to the Waiting List, Alumni, Enrolled or Declined

Move a contact between project states - e.g. to the Waiting List, Alumni, Enrolled or Declined

You can move a contact between states on a project. The four states are:

  • Waiting List

  • Enrolled

  • Alumni

  • Declined


  1. Access the Contact Profile Page of the contact whom you want to move into the Alumni state

  2. Select the Move between projects button on the Contact’s profile page

  3. A popup appears

  4. The popup lists the projects that exist within the organisation and it will say the state that the contact is currently in

  5. Click the current state, e.g. Enrolled and you will see a dropdown list appear

  6. Select the state you want to move the contact to from the dropdown list next to that project

  7. Select the new state from the dropdown list

  8. Press the Close button

  9. The contact has now been moved to a different state within the project.

  10. The History section of the Contact Profile Page will update automatically

  11. Click the black down facing arrow to expand the History section

  12. You will see a news bulletin announcing that the contact has been successfully moved to the project’s other state.