Automation Criteria - the types of conditions that trigger an automation

Automation Criteria - the types of conditions that trigger an automation

You can create automations based on the following criteria, i.e. conditions that trigger an automation


What you can look for

Step by step instructions


What you can look for

Step by step instructions

A contact has specific information in a field on their Contact Form

  • List field matches a specific Answer Choice

  • Number field is greater than or equal to a certain number


A contact has a specific response to a survey question

  • List field matches a specific Answer Choice

  • Number field is greater than or equal to a certain number

Automation Criteria: Answer to Survey Question is

The number of stories a contact is tagged in

is greater than or equal to a certain number


Number of days that have passed since the contact was tagged in a story

is greater than or equal to a certain number

Days since last update by a colleague (Automation Criteria)

Number of days that have passed without the contact receiving any SMS or Email Messages, since the contact was added to the project

(Note: Emails sent via the Gmail integration are not counted)

is greater than or equal to a certain number


Number of days that have passed since the contact was added to the Enrolled state of the project

is greater than or equal to a certain number

Automation Criteria: days since Enrolled on a Project

Number of days that have passed without the contact completing a survey since the contact was added to the project

is greater than or equal to a certain number



Number of previous events that a contact was invited to but was not tagged in a story of (i.e. they did not attend)

Note: if the contact was tagged in a story recorded in the event’s Attendance & Observations Page, the automation will not detect that they did not attend

is greater than or equal to a certain number



Number of days that the contact was not invited to an event since being added to the project.

is greater than or equal to a certain number


Automation Criteria: “days without an event invitation since being added to the project”

Users or Contacts who are added to an event as a guest.

  • The amount of time Before the event is

  • The amount of time after the start of the end is

  • The amount of time after the end of the event is


Users/Colleagues who are added to an event as an event worker.

  • The amount of time Before the event is

  • The amount of time after the start of the end is

  • The amount of time after the end of the event is


Users/Colleagues who are added to an event as an event manager.

  • The amount of time Before the event is

  • The amount of time after the start of the end is

  • The amount of time after the end of the event is

Automation Criteria: contact is added to an event

Has a Relationship 1
Has a Relationship 2
Has a Relationship n

is equals exactly to a certain relationship.


Event States

  • Days since added as a guest to event’s [state 1] state

  • Days since added as a guest to event’s [state 2] state

  • ……………………………………………………….

  • Days since added as a guest to event’s [state n] state

using [event category] is greater than or equal to a certain Hours.

Automation Criteria: contact is in an event's state

Survey verdict is


using a [Survey] is equal to this [Verdict]

Automation Criteria: Survey Verdict is

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