Automation Criteria: contact is added to an event

Automation Criteria: contact is added to an event

You can create an automation that runs whenever a contact is added to an event as a guest.


When you can trigger the automation

The automation criteria can be based on

  1. the amount of time before the event’s start date

  2. the amount of time after the event’s start date

  3. the amount of time after the event’s end date

For example…

E.g. if you want to send a reminder 7 days 3 hours before the event,

Automation Criteria

You would choose

  • The amount of time before the event is

  • And enter the value of 7 for Days and 3 for Hours in the This field

Automation Action

  • You would choose Messaging and then select SMS and/or Email and then add the message

E.g. if you want to send a feedback survey 1 day after the event

Automation Criteria

You would choose

  • The amount of time after the event is

  • And enter the value of 1 for Days in the This field

Automation Action

  • You would choose Surveys and then

    • choose the survey

    • choose to send it via SMS or Email

    • add a message for people to receive with their unique survey link

    • choose whether to turn on any survey reminders that are automatically sent to anyone who didn’t complete the survey

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