Contacts Interacted With per Project

Contacts Interacted With per Project

You can view, analyse and report the number of contacts that have interacted with each project

What it is

This chart displays contacts who meet the conditions:

  1. They are in that specific project but not exclusively, i.e. they might be in other projects too

  2. They have been tagged in a story from that specific project within the specified timeframe

Note: This is different to viewing the Contacts Interacted With chart with a single Project filter applied; as that chart would show you meet all 3 of these conditions

  1. They are in your organisation

  2. They are in the filtered project, but they might also be in other projects

  3. They have been tagged in a story from any project within that week, month, quarter or year

Where to see it

There are two versions of this chart and table


Multiple Projects

Single Project


Multiple Projects

Single Project

What it looks like


Where to see it

Available in the Contacts App’s Productivity tab


How to add it to a Progress Board

The steps are different depending on whether you are

  • adding to an existing Progress Board

  • or creating a new Progress Board

By editing an existing Board

  1. Select Home in the top menu

  2. You arrive on the Homepage

  3. In the right sidebar is a box called Boards

  4. Press Show All if your Board is not displayed

  5. Select the name of your Board

  6. You arrive on the Progress Board

  7. Click the Edit Board or Edit Managed Board button (only one will appear, depending on the type of Board you have)

If it says “Edit Board”

  • Scroll through the Projects menu on the left until you see the project whose Contacts Interacted With chart you want to display

  • Click the green tick symbol next to the metric

  • It appears in the right sidebar

  • Scroll to the bottom and press Save

  • You arrive on the Progress Board page where a card for that chart is now displayed

If it says “Edit Managed Board”

  • Once you click Edit Managed Board you arrive on the Basic Information tab

  • Click the Progress Trackers tab

  • You arrive in the Progress Trackers tab

  • Scroll through the Projects menu on the left until you see the project whose Contacts Interacted With chart you want to display

  • Click the green tick symbol next to the metric

  • It appears in the right sidebar

  • Scroll to the bottom and click Next

  • The next tab loads.

  • Click Next

  • Keep doing this until you reach the final tab and click Publish

  • You now arrive on the Progress Board and the chart is displayed

By creating a new Board

  1. Click Create in the top menu and choose

    1. Progress Board if you want to create a private board that only you can see

    2. More Options and then Managed Board if you want to give colleagues access to your board

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