Organise your Referral Partners using the Contacts App

Organise your Referral Partners using the Contacts App

You can manage your Referral Partners using the Contacts App.


  • Referrals on Makerble are inbound - i.e. recording the sources from which contacts are added to your organisation and its projects

  • Signposting on Makerble is outbound - i.e. recording the destinations to which you send your contacts

When you use the Referred By feature on Makerble you can:

  • Record the Referral Partner Organisation and even the Individual at that Referral Partner Organisation who referred a contact to one of your projects (How to record the referrer)

  • Report on the number of referrals you have received from Referral Partners (How to report referrals)

  • Report on the number of referrals you have received from each individual Referral Partner

  • Understanding which organisations and individuals are signposting clients to you

Setup steps

This guide covers the 3 stages of setup:

  1. Create a Contact Form to store the details of the organisations that refer to you

  2. Create a Contact Form to store the details of the individuals within those organisations (or indeed individuals who work independently) who refer to you

  3. Create a project to storing the organisations and individuals that refer to you. (This could be the same project that you use to store your Signposting Partners)

Stage 1. Create a Contact Form to store the details of organisations that refer to you

  • Create a Contact Form that you can use to store details of your Referral Partner Organisations

    • For simplicity you could call it “Referral Partner - Organisation”

  • Consider adding the following fields:

    • Address/Location - so you can plot them on a map (this is a default field that is auto-generated by Makerble)

    • Profile Picture - so you can upload their logo (this is a default field that is auto-generated by Makerble)

  • Set the Contact Type as Organisation, not Person

Stage 2. Create a Contact Form to store the details of individuals that refer to you

  • Create a Contact Form that you can use to store details of your Referral Partner Individuals

    • For simplicity you could call it “Referral Partner - Individual”

  • Consider creating or adding the following fields:

    • Email Address

    • Landline Telephone Number

    • Mobile Number

  • Set the Contact Type as Person

Stage 3. Create a project to store your partners

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