Trends: Charts on a contact's profile page

Trends: Charts on a contact's profile page

You can see charts on contact’s profile page that display their progress over time on every metric you track.

The 4 types of chart

Engagement charts



Multiple Choice (Scale) charts

  • See the change over time on each scale that is being used on the projects the contact is part of

Achievement charts

  • See the number of achievements the contact has had per month.

  • Achievements are counted using Achievement Trackers; in other words, binary indicators, e.g. whether someone has found employement or not.

  • Data is inputted into an Achievement Tracker using a checkbox.

Numerical charts

  • See the quantity logged for that contact over time, on each Numerical Tracker that’s used on the projects they’re part of

  • Data is inputted into Numerical Trackers using a numerical field


How to view a contact’s charts

  1. Type the name of the contact into the Search bar at the very top of the page

  2. Once their name appears, select it

  3. You arrive on the contact’s profile in the Summary tab

  4. Select the Charts tab

  5. You arrive on the Charts tab where their charts are displayed

  6. To see a current view of a contact’s progress instead, go to their Progress tab.

How to toggle the timeframe on a chart

You can change the timeframe in the x-axis of a chart on a contact’s profile.

Where does the information in the charts come from?

Information in charts comes from Stories; which means that it can arrive in any of the following ways:

Where the information could come from

What that looks like

Where the information could come from

What that looks like

A survey response, i.e.

  • a survey that is sent to the contact via email or SMS

  • a survey that you or one of your colleagues fills on the contact’s behalf

  • a survey that was completed by a contact as while filling in a Signup Page



An event attendance form



A short story

  • e.g. posted from a Progress Board or from the Progress tile on your My Home



A timeline post

  • e.g. posted from a contact’s timeline or from the Timeline on your My Home



A spreadsheet import of survey responses or other impact information that is tagged to contacts



Using the API, either directly or through an integration with another piece of software