Decide what to import and how

Decide what to import and how

You can create records on Makerble by importing existing information from spreadsheets.

You can also upload files - e.g. Word documents, pictures, videos, PDFs, etc - however these are attached to specific places manually, rather than by importing.

Records you can create while importing a spreadsheet

There are 3 types of Makerble record you can import using a spreadsheet.

Each type of record will need its own separate spreadsheet

Contacts, e.g.

  • Clients

  • Partner organisations

  • Funders

Stories about contacts, e.g.

  • Attendance logs

  • Case notes

  • Survey responses

Stories with anonymous progress, e.g.

  • KPIs (which aren’t tagged to individual contacts)

Contacts, e.g.

  • Clients

  • Partner organisations

  • Funders

Stories about contacts, e.g.

  • Attendance logs

  • Case notes

  • Survey responses

Stories with anonymous progress, e.g.

  • KPIs (which aren’t tagged to individual contacts)



Contacts you import will be:

Stories you import will be:

Stories you import will be:


How to decide between Contact records and Stories with tagged contacts

The image below shows a contact’s Profile page.

  • the red box shows content that is created by importing a Contact record

  • the purple box shows content that is created by importing a Story with a tagged contact (where in this case, the tagged contact is Abigail Holmes - which is why the stories appear on her Timeline)

Hints & Tips

Type of information in your spreadsheet

Which spreadsheet that information should be in

Type of information in your spreadsheet

Which spreadsheet that information should be in

Demographic information about a contact, e.g. Age, Date of Birth, Gender, Ethnicity, Address,

These should be columns in the Contact records spreadsheet

Information about a contact from their referral form, e.g. “reasons for referral”

These should be columns in the Contact records spreadsheet

Log of a contact’s attendance

Each date’s attendance should be a row in the Stories with tagged contacts spreadsheet

Notes from a meeting you had with a contact

The note from each date should be a row in the Stories with tagged contacts spreadsheet

Summary of the support that has been provided to a contact

The summary should be a row in the Stories with tagged contacts spreadsheet

Survey response from a contact

The response should be a row in the Stories with tagged contacts spreadsheet

Whenever you create a story, it must have a Date associated with it; otherwise the date will be set as Today. Therefore update your spreadsheet to include a date for each row.

Where to start

(click the image if you need to see it larger)


Step in the process

What it means

What you need to do next

Step in the process

What it means

What you need to do next

Organise your spreadsheets into 3 categories

Given that there are 3 types of record you can create from a spreadsheet, you need to categorise your original spreadsheets so that they have the correct columns for the type of record which that spreadsheet will create.

  1. Decide which columns in your spreadsheets will be used to create contacts

  2. Decide which columns in your spreadsheets will be used to create stories tagged to contacts

  3. Decide which columns in your spreadsheets will be used to create stories with anonymous progress

Add your demographic fields on Makerble

When you import contacts, Makerble needs to know which fields will be used to store the demographic information about those contacts, e.g. Age, Gender, etc.


Only for the spreadsheet(s) that will be used to create contacts

  1. Create a new Contact Form and in that Contact Form:

    1. create a field on Makerble for each column in the spreadsheet (apart from for Name, Address and Date of Birth - as these are generated automatically).

    2. If you or a colleague have already created those fields in a different form, you will not need to recreate them; instead you can simply select them from your library

  2. Save the Contact Form

Create projects

Every story on Makerble is saved within a single project.

Contacts can be part of many projects or part of no projects at all.

  1. If your organisation has not already created projects, create one or more projects depending on how you would like to organise your work

Create trackers on Makerble

Every KPI or Multiple Choice Question you create is saved as a 'Tracker' on Makerble.

To import survey responses and/or anonymous progress towards KPIs, you must first add those Trackers to the project which the stories will be saved in

  1. Choose existing Trackers to add to your project

  2. And/or create new Trackers and then add them to your project

Import stories with anonymous progress


  1. Follow the steps to import stories

Add a unique identifier

In order for Makerble to associate a story with a contact, Makerble needs to use a unique code.

  • This is called a Unique Identifier

  1. If your organisation does not already use Unique Identifiers, you should create one for each contact and edit your Contact records spreadsheet to include a column with the unique identifier for each contact.

  2. If your organisation does already use Unique Identifiers, ensure that the Unique Identifiers column is in the Contact records spreadsheet

  3. Update the Stories with tagged contacts spreadsheet so that it also has a column called Unique Identifier and in that column insert the Unique Identifier Code that relates to the contact who is in that row of the spreadsheet.

Import contacts


  1. Follow the steps to import contacts

Import stories about those contacts


  1. Follow the steps to import stories tagged to contacts

Next steps

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