Import Instructions
These are the instructions for preparing the csv files needed to import data into your Makerble platform. (For additional guidance, visit this page: Import phase )
The data that needs to be supplied to us should be in csv format. We can import two types of data: Contacts and Stories. Stories can be used to import Session Attendance as well as Survey Responses.
Instructions for importing Contacts
Each person you work with will exist in Makerble as a Contact. The format of the CSV is as follows:
Rows: Each person you work with should exist as one row in the spreadsheet.
Columns: The columns in the spreadsheet will be matched to the fields on Makerble. Therefore, you must ensure that the column titles of your spreadsheet are identical to the names of the fields described in your Blueprints in the Fields per Form tab.
Unique Identifier Column: The Unique Identifier code for each Contact is important as it enables us to easily attach survey responses and attendance data to that person when we are importing stories. We recommend that you use a Unique Identifier for each contact.
We can import contacts into a specific project or into the organisation as a whole.
If you have contacts that are part of multiple projects, we should import the contacts into the organisation as a whole and then you can subsequently assign them to their corresponding projects using the Bulk Assign page: Bulk assign contacts to a project
If your contacts are each in a single project, you can import directly to that project
If you are importing contacts into the organisation, supply a spreadsheet with a list of the contacts. Contacts are imported in batches of 800 at a time. Therefore if you have more than 800 contacts, create multiple spreadsheets, with each one holding no more than 800 rows.
If you are importing contacts into individual projects, supply a set of spreadsheets; one for each project. Each spreadsheet should contain a list of the contacts. Contacts are imported in batches of 800 at a time. Therefore if you have more than 800 contacts, create multiple spreadsheets, with each one holding no more than 800 rows.
Instructions for importing Stories - Case notes and session attendance
When it comes to importing Session Attendance, create one csv file per project. There should be columns as follows:
Unique Identifier Code for the Contact who attended the session
Date attended: this is date of the session
A column called "Attendee" in which there is a value of "1" in that row
If your team records progress at the end of a session using a Scale, you can have a column for each of those scales. In the example csv file there are examples of scales for Behaviour and Confidence
Additional Notes: If you capture additional notes at the end of a session about how it went, you can have a column for that
Logged by User: Include the email address of the user that this particular story should be attributed to, i.e. the member of staff that logged this originally. This is so that the story can be attributed to them on your Makerble platform. This column is not mandatory, if you leave it blank, the stories will be attributed to the admin user within your account.
Instructions for importing Survey Responses (Makerble treats these as stories)
When it comes to importing Survey Responses, create one csv file per type of survey, per project. There should be columns as follows:
Contact's Unique Identifier Code: this is the unique identifying code that relates to each person you work with.
Date survey was completed
A column for each question in the survey
It would be better to start off by just preparing one of each type of csv file. That way we can check that the import process works the way that you expect it to before you go ahead and make any tweaks as necessary ahead of you exporting your full data set.
Here are the download links to the sample csv files:
Contacts csv file: Example contacts csv file.csv
Session Attendance csv file: Example stories (session attendance) csv file.csv
Survey Responses csv file: Example stories (surveys) csv file.csv
This is the master spreadsheet in Google Sheets that was used to generate each of the csv files: 13 14 15 Example sample csv import spreadsheets (Contacts and Stories)