Longitudinal survey analysis using Waves and Custom Tables

Longitudinal survey analysis using Waves and Custom Tables

You can conduct longitudinal analysis of survey results using Waves and a Custom Table.

  • You’ll see

    • a group of columns for every survey question (a column per wave, e.g. baseline, midline, endline)

    • a row for every survey respondent


What are Waves?

  • Waves are a way of automatically labelling your survey responses based on the point in time that people responded to them. For example you could have three waves called

    • Baseline

    • Midline

    • Endline

What are Custom Tables?

  • Custom Tables display

    • a row for every contact who matches the criteria you set using Contact Filters

    • a column for the specific survey questions and CRM fields you want to see

Watch the walkthrough video

Step by step instructions


  1. Open the left Sidebar menu

  2. Open the Impact section and select Custom Tables


  3. You can now see your Custom Tables

  4. If you’ve already set up a Custom Table to view survey results tagged to individual waves, press View to see results using that table

  5. Click Create a new table

  6. Open the Questions from Survey Waves section

  7. Select the survey you want to analyse - for example, Adolescent Wellbeing Scale

  8. Give your table a name and add one or more of the questions from the survey to the table

  9. Press Save

  10. You arrive on the Custom Tables page

  11. Press View to open that Custom Table

  12. Your table opens

  13. Filter the rows of contacts to only display the contacts who have completed the survey

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