Quick Guide: Create a Contact Form and create a new role

Quick Guide: Create a Contact Form and create a new role

You can create your Contact Forms on Makerble.

  • The Contact Forms serve as the means to register new clients, beneficiaries, service users, stakeholders, partners, and any other category of 'contact'.

Note: when you want to add a List field (e.g. Gender) to a Contact Form, create the List field and then you can add it to a new or existing contact form.

Watch this walkthrough video to understand better
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  1. Click on the My Apps on the top menu.

  2. Scroll across to the right and click on Contact Forms.

  3. You now arrive on the Manage Contact Forms page.

  4. Click on the New Contact Form button.

  5. You are now on the Create Contact Form page.

  1. Select the Contact Type by clicking on the radio buttons. Contact Type tells you whose details are recorded using this form.
    The Contact Type can be A Person, An Object, An Organization, or An Animal (You can see the hidden options by clicking on Show More button).

  2. Choose the role from the drop-down list. By default, there are roles for each Contact Type namely Participant, Object, Organization, and Animal.

  3. You can also create a new role by selecting Create a New Role from the drop-down list.

    1. When you select Create a New Role, a pop-up appears, asking you to enter the Role's name.

    2. Once you have entered the name of the Role, click on Save. A new role is created which you can now use to create the contact form.

  4. Next, give your Contact Form a name.

  5. The right section called Your Contact Form displays the fields that are already in your Contact Form.

  6. The left section called Your Library of fields can be used to add existing fields to your Contact Form and/or create new fields to add to the Contact Form.

  7. To add existing fields:

    1. Search your library of fields to find fields to add to your form.

    2. Use the Search bar to look for a specific field.

      1. Simply type the field into the search bar and wait for the search results to appear.

      2. Press the green tick symbol to add the field to your Contact Form.


    3. Use the Field Filters to filter the type(s) of fields that appear in the search results.


  8. To create new fields:

    1. Click the Create a field or Question button.

    2. The New Field popup launches.

    3. Select the type of field you want to create.

    4. Enter the Internal Name/Administrative title of the field eg., Reason for Joining

    5. Enter the name of the field you want to appear on the contact form eg., Please tell us why you want to join this program.

    6. Set Privacy as Organisation Leaders & Editors.

    7. Press Save, the popup closes and the field is added to the bottom of the Contact Form.


  9. Every Contact Form has a set of default fields which are added automatically. Those that you can remove have aimage-20240220-070319.png symbol next to them.


  10. Reorder the fields in the Contact Form: use the up/down arrows next to each field.

  11. Set fields as Mandatory or Optional: each field has a Mandatory checkbox below it in the Your Contact Form section. Click the Mandatory checkbox to make that field mandatory.

  12. Add Description to each field (Optional): each field has a clickable text called Edit Description next to the Mandatory checkbox.


    1. On clicking the Edit Description text, a pop-up window opens up asking for Internal Description and/or External Description.

      1. The Internal Description shows the description of that field to your colleagues who are signed in.

      2. The External Description shows the description of that field to anyone who has a link to the Signup Page.

    2. Click on Save to save the descriptions that you have entered.

    3. Click on Clear to remove all the descriptions and start over again.

  13. Change the number of Allowed Answer Choices for List fields in the Contact Form: i.e. decide whether they are set to Single Choice, Limited multiple choice, or Unlimited multiple choice. (See these separate steps)

  14. Scroll to the bottom and press Save.

  15. You arrive on the Contact Forms Profile page.

Types of fields you can include in a Contact Form

  1. Attachments

  2. Date fields

  3. Extended Table fields: these allow you to populate a table while creating or editing a contact’s Bio

  4. List fields (Ratio Sets)

  5. Numerical fields

  6. Text box fields

  7. Time fields

  8. Section dividers

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