Turn on a project's Alumni state

Turn on a project's Alumni state

You can turn on a project’s Alumni State. (It is turned off by default)


  • You must be a Project Manager or Organisation Admin to turn on a project’s Alumni State


  1. Select Home in the top menu

  2. You arrive on the Homepage

  3. On the left of the Homepage, scroll down until you see the Projects box

  4. Select the blue cog next to the project that you want to turn on the Alumni for (red arrow)

  5. A menu appears with a list of options relating to that project

  6. Select the Preferences option (blue arrow)

  7. You arrive on the Project Preferences page

  8. Scroll down

  9. Select the checkbox next to Enable Alumni State

  10. In the Choose a Contact Form to assign to the enrolled state dropdown list, select any Contact Form that is listed

  11. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press Save

  12. That’s it.

  13. You and your colleagues will now be able to add contacts to this project’s Alumni