Privacy: how to manage the visibility of information on Makerble

Privacy: how to manage the visibility of information on Makerble

With advanced privacy controls, Makerble lets you control access to sensitive information in your platform.

Control users' access to individual Contacts

You can control the level of access that each user has to each individual contact.

Access Levels

There are 4 access levels:

Access levels are tailored to each individual user:

  • A user can have different access levels to different contacts

  • A contact can have some users with one level of access and other users who have a different level of access


Edit the contact’s bio

Create stories about that contact

Read permitted stories about that contact

See that contact in search results


Edit the contact’s bio

Create stories about that contact

Read permitted stories about that contact

See that contact in search results

Read & Write

‘Post Update Access’





Read Only

'Profile Access'





Name Only

‘Headline Access’






‘No Access’





How to assign access

Access can be set in two ways:

  • In Bulk for users with the same role:

    • E.g. allowing all the Project Reporters of the Farming Project to have Read Only Access to Client-A

  • On a user-by-user basis:

    • E.g. allowing User1 to have Read Only Access to Client-A while allowing User2 to have Name Only Access to Client-A

How To guide(s)

Control users' access to individual Stories

You can restrict the visibility of individual stories (i.e. case notes, attendance records and survey responses)

Access levels

There are 4 access levels

Organisation Colleagues

Story can be seen by everyone in the organisation unless Contact Privacy prevents them from seeing stories about the contact whom the story is about

Project Colleagues

Story can be seen by everyone who is part of the project that the story is saved within unless Contact Privacy prevents them from seeing stories about the contact whom the story is about

Specific Colleagues

Story can be seen by seen by the specific users that access has been granted to unless Contact Privacy prevents them from seeing stories about the contact whom the story is about


This only applies to survey responses that are completed in Anonymised Mode.

It means that the question responses are visible but the identity of the respondent remains hidden.

How to assign access

Access can be set in two ways:

  • By default: i.e. you can set a default Access Level that applies to every story created within a particular project

    • E.g. in a 1:1 Counselling project you might set the default privacy of every story to be “Specific Colleagues” so that only the counsellor and their supervisor can see those notes

  • On a story-by-story basis:

    • e.g. you can set the visibility of a case study to be Organisation Colleagues so that people in the fundraising team can see it and use it in grant applications

How To guide(s)

How the security layers work together