Main Menu

Main Menu

On desktop

The main menu is visible at the top of every page while you are signed into Makerble

  • Makerble logo: clicking this redirects back to the Homepage

  • My Apps: clicking this opens the My Apps sub menu which gives you access to your Projects, Contacts, Boards, etc

  • Home: clicking this redirects back to the Homepage

  • Explore: clicking this redirects you you to the Explore Surveys page where you can find publicly available survey templates to use on your projects

  • Search bar: allows you to search for contacts, projects and colleagues

  • Notifications: clicking the bell icon shows you your unread notifications

  • Inbox: clicking the envelope icon redirects you to Messaging where you can see internal chat conversations with colleagues on Makerble as well as SMS conversations with contacts

  • Your Profile Picture | User Profile Name: clicking either your profile picture or your username will redirect you to your User Profile Page

  • Create: clicking the Create button launches the Create Menu which allows you to create content that you have permission to create, such as new contacts, projects or tips.

  • More: clicking the More button launches the More menu which gives you access to your settings, help desk and other options

On tablet

On tablets, the Main Menu becomes icon-based rather than text-based.

  • There is no longer a Search bar

On mobile

On mobile the Main Menu moves to the footer (bottom) of the page rather than being at the top

Menu items on mobile:

  • Home: redirects you to the Mobile version of the Homepage. This version of the Homepage only shows the Newsfeed and Timeline Update box

  • Progress: redirects you to one of your Progress Boards if you have any. If you do not have any Progress Boards, you will see a list of your Progress Trackers.

  • New: clicking this opens the Create-On-Mobile Menu which allows you to create content you have permission to create on mobile

  • Contacts: clicking this redirects you to the Contacts-on-Mobile page

  • Bell icon: clicking this opens the Notifications page and gives you access to your Tasks

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