Reactivate a Public Signup Page

Reactivate a Public Signup Page

You can reactivate a deactivated external Inbound Referral Pathways, i.e. the forms you share externally that let contacts register themselves for your programmes.


  1. Go to My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Contacts

  3. On the Contacts page, select the More Options menu

  4. Select Referral Forms

  5. You arrive on the Referral Forms page where you can copy the links to each project’s Referral Page

  6. The Status column indicates whether the Referral Pathway is active or whether it has been deactivated

  7. To reactivate a Referral Pathway, press the Actions button

  8. This causes a dropdown menu to appear

  9. In the menu select Activate

  10. This reactivates the Referral Pathway and updates the table accordingly.

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