Send an SMS to a single contact

Send an SMS to a single contact

You can send an SMS message to a contact,

Send it from the contact’s profile page

  1. Enter the contact’s name in the top search bar and select their name

  2. You arrive on the contact’s profile page. (Other ways to get to a contact’s profile page)

  3. Click Actions in the top right corner

  4. A dropdown menu appears

  5. Select SMS

  6. You arrive on the SMS Conversations page for that contact


  7. Enter your message and press Send

Send it from the Messaging App

  1. Select the envelope icon in the top menu

  2. You arrive on the Messaging page and the Colleagues tab is preselected

  3. Select the Contacts tab

  4. You arrive on the SMS Messaging App’s Conversations page

  5. To view a conversation between your organisation and one of your contacts, you must click their name on the left

  6. This displays your conversation history with the messages you have sent them on the right and their replies on the left

  7. The top right corner of the page displays your organisation’s unique Makerble Mobile Phone Number

  8. The left column lists all the contacts for whom you have a mobile number saved in one of the designated mobile number Contact Form fields

  9. Select a contact on the left column to see their SMS Conversation history with the organisation appear in the right column

  10. At the bottom of the right column is a text box which you can use to start typing an SMS message to that contact

  11. Click the Send button to send the SMS

  12. Any replies which the contact sends will be displayed in this pane

  13. Any bulk messages that are sent to contacts including this contact, will also appear in the SMS Conversation history of that single contact

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