Add an indicative Progress Tracker to an Outcome

Add an indicative Progress Tracker to an Outcome

You can add indicators to outcomes

Indicators (Indicative progress trackers) are designed to indicate progress towards an outcome. These metrics come under that category:


How to add indicators (indicative progress trackers) to an outcome

There are several ways to add Indicative Progress Trackers to an Outcome:

  • From the Create Outcome page

  • From the Edit Outcome page

  • From the Create Progress Tracker page

  • From the Edit Progress Tracker page

  • From the Manage Metrics page

  • From the Manage Metrics page Outcomes tab

From the Create Outcome page

  1. Press Create in the top menu

  2. Select Outcomes/Trackers from the Show More Options section

  3. You arrive on the Create Metric page

  4. Select the Outcome tab

  5. You arrive on the Create Outcome page

  6. In the Add Trackers field, search for the indicative progress trackers you want to add to that outcome

  7. Complete the remaining details about the Outcome and then scroll to the bottom and press Save

For more information on how to create an outcome, read the Create Outcome article.

From the Edit Outcome page

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Metrics

  3. You arrive at the Metrics Library

  4. Stay in the Personal Library or select the Organisation Library if that’s where the outcome is saved

  5. Use the pagination and scrolling to find the outcome then press the Action button

  6. A drop-down menu appears

  7. Select Edit

  8. You arrive on the Edit Outcome page

  9. Go to the Add Trackers field and search for the Indicative Progress Trackers you want to add

  10. Press Save Changes

From the Create Progress Tracker page

Achievement Trackers, Multiple Choice Trackers and Numerical Trackers are Indicative Progress Trackers. This means that they are designed to indicate progress towards an outcome.

  1. Press Create in the top menu

  2. Select Trackers/Outcomes from the Show More Options section

  3. You arrive on the Create Metric page

  4. Select the type of indicative progress tracker you want to create, i.e.

    1. a Multiple Choice tracker

    2. Numerical tracker

    3. Achievement tracker

  5. The tab updates to display the Create Metric page for that type of tracker

  6. Scroll down to the Outcomes field

  7. Start typing in the field to search for and select the outcome(s) you want this Progress Tracker to indicate progress towards

  8. Scroll to the bottom and press Save

  • the Add To Outcome button on the Library when looking at the Progress Tracker

From the Edit Progress Tracker page

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Metrics

  3. You arrive at the Metrics Library

  4. Stay in the Personal Library or select the Organisation Library if that’s where the outcome is saved

  5. Use the pagination and scrolling to find the indicative progress tracker, then press the Action button

  6. A menu appears

  7. Select Edit

  8. You arrive on the Edit Progress Tracker page

  9. In the Outcomes field: search for the outcome(s) you want this Progress Tracker to indicate progress towards

  10. Scroll to the bottom and press Save Changes

From the Manage Metrics page

This method adds an indicative Progress Tracker to an Outcome

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Metrics

  3. You arrive at the Metrics Library

  4. Stay in the Personal Library or select the Organisation Library if that’s where the outcome is saved

  5. Use the pagination and scrolling to find the indicative progress tracker that you want to add to an Outcome then press the Action button

  6. A drop-down menu appears

  7. Place your mouse over the Add to Outcome option

  8. The menu extends to the side to list your Outcomes

  9. Select the outcome that you want to add this indicative progress tracker to

From the Manage Metrics page Outcomes tab

  1. Go to the Organisation Library within Manage Metrics

  2. Select the Outcomes tab

  3. You arrive at a table where a column is displayed for each outcome owned by your organization and a row is shown for each indicative Progress Tracker used in your organization

  4. The Connect button appears when an indicative Progress Tracker (that anyone owns but which is used within your organization) has not yet been added to an outcome that your organization owns

  5. Press Connect to add the indicative Progress Tracker to that outcome. That’s it. There’s no need to press save.

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