
Outcomes are the difference your work makes.

  • You can measure your outcomes by adding one or more Progress Trackers to each outcome.

    • Outcomes are your hopes for the work you do.

    • Progress Trackers are the way you measure them.

What are outcomes?

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  • Think about the difference your work makes in terms of:

    • What difference does your programme make to how people think?

    • What difference does your programme make to what people or organisations do; and how they behave?

    • What difference does your programme make to what people or organisations have; be it financial wealth or mental health?

  • Each difference that your programme makes to the way people think is an outcome.

  • Each difference that your programme makes to the way people behave is an outcome.

  • Each difference that your programme makes to what people have is an outcome.

  • Think, Do and Have are less ambiguous than terms like ‘short-term outcomes', ‘medium-term outcomes’ and ‘long-term outcomes’ as those terms can get misinterpreted due to the length of a 'term’ being subjective.

Visualise progress towards outcomes

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Add outcomes to projects

  • You can add outcomes to projects

  • And arrange your outcomes in a way that matches your impact strategy or Theory of Change


Get started with Outcomes