How to use metrics in projects

How to use metrics in projects

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You can track progress towards metrics (Progress Trackers and Outcomes) on each project.

Progress appears on the Progress Panel

You can see the Progress Panel in 3 ways

  • Strategy: each Progress Tracker and Outcome is displayed in one of 5 strategy columns relating to the stage of the strategy it relates to

  • List: this lists each Progress Tracker (but not the outcomes)

  • Table: this shows each Progress Tracker, the Outcome it relates to (if there is one) and the progress made towards targets (if you have set targets)

Makerble organises outcomes and trackers into the five stages of a programme's strategy to create change.

  1. ACTIVITY: Activity Trackers measure the number of activities, sessions, pieces of content you produce.

  2. ENGAGEMENT: Engagement Trackers measure attendance and the number of people you reach.

  3. POTENTIAL: Related Trackers measure the extent to which people’s potential is changing, i.e. their knowledge, mindset, attitudes; the way they think.

  4. BEHAVIOUR: Related Trackers measure the extent to which people's behaviour is changing, i.e. What They Do.

  5. REALITY: Related Trackers measure the extent to which people’s reality is changing, e.g. the quality of their relationships, health, wellbeing, finances, etc; i.e. What They Have.

Why add metrics to a project?

Measuring progress will make your programmes, projects, campaigns and services more successful.

Start by defining what success looks like

“Outcomes” are how you describe what success looks like. E.g.

  • Improved teamwork

  • Increased resilience

  • Healthier communities

Then choose a way to measure whether progress is happening

“Trackers” are how you measure the extent to which success is happening. E.g.

Example of success (outcome)

Things we can measure to see whether success is happening (related trackers)

Example of success (outcome)

Things we can measure to see whether success is happening (related trackers)

Improved teamwork

  • A survey question: “To what extent do you agree with this statement: we have good teamwork?”

Increased community cohesion

  • A survey question: “To what extent do you agree with this statement: I feel I can ask a neighbour for help and receive it”

Healthier communities

  • Record the number of hospital admissions over time

  • Record the death rate in that geographic area

  • Record levels of obesity over time in that geographic area

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