Financial Value calcuator

Financial Value calcuator

You can use Makerble to calculate the financial value, social value, social benefit or SROI (social return on investment) of your work in real-time.

How it works - watch the walkthrough video

How to turn it on

  1. Go to your project page

  2. Select More Options

  3. Choose Preferences

  4. Scroll down to the Financial Calculator section and turn it on. Click save

  5. You arrive on your project profile page. Click More Options and this time choose Financial Calculator

  6. You arrive on the Financial Calculator where you can allocate financial values to your metrics

  7. Once you are done, click Save

  8. You arrive on your project page where you’ll see a Financial Calculator tile on the right side that shows your project’s financial value

  9. Click Launch itemised breakdown

  10. You’ll see two tabs, the first contains a table of your project’s financial value

  11. The second contains a pie chart that breaks down your total financial value by each value.

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