Create a Contact while signed-in

As a signed-in-user you can create a contact (e.g. register a client) from three places.

Create a Contact using the CREATE button

Create a contact using the Contacts App

Create a contact using the Homepage shortcut

Create a Contact using the CREATE button

Create a contact using the Contacts App

Create a contact using the Homepage shortcut

How to create a contact using the Create Menu

How to create a contact from the Contacts App

How to create a contact from the Homepage

Summary of the process

  1. Choose the project that the contact will be created within

    1. Project choice is not permanent.

    2. Once a contact has been created within a project, they can be added to additional projects and/or removed from the original project

  2. Choose the Contact Form to use to create the contact

    1. Every project may have one or more contact forms assigned to it.

    2. Once a contact has been created, their record can be updated with details from additional Contact Forms

  3. Choose the Contact Type to assign to the contact.

    1. There are four possible types: Person, Organisation, Animal and Object.

  4. Complete the Contact Form to create the new contact.