Call a contact (using Wildix)

Call a contact (using Wildix)

You can call a contact using Wildix

Wildix Make a Call.gif

Why use it?

Wildix lets you call your Makerble contacts with just a few clicks. Wildix provides an integrated WebRTC solution that ensures enterprise-grade security and everyday simplicity for productive team collaboration through the browser.



  1. Press the Contacts button in the Lower Menu

  2. You arrive in the Contacts App

  3. Find and Select any contact you need to communicate with

  4. In the particular contact’s Contact Profile page, press the Action button which is on the right side of the Contact’s name.

  5. A dropdown list appears

  6. Select the option Call to make a call to the particular contact



  1. Alternatively, you can also place a call from the left hand side of a contact’s profile page by clicking on the contact number.



If you’re facing any troubles while initiating the call, please read Troubleshoot Problems While Initiating Calls via Wildix

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