Troubleshoot Problems While Initiating Calls via Wildix

Troubleshoot Problems While Initiating Calls via Wildix


This document explains how to troubleshoot problems while initiating a call on Makerble via Wildix.


Step 1: Ensure Wildix is installed on your system

Wildix allows two different ways to initiate phone calls via API.

  1. Initiate a call via the Collaboration Native App (Recommended)

    1. Download Link - Collaboration Native App Changelog: features, improvements, fixes

  2. Initiate a call via Extension (Not recommended)

    1. Wildix Document - Collaboration User Guide | CollaborationUserGuide Extensions

    2. Chrome Extension Link - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wildix-collaboration/lobgohpoobpijgfegnlhdnppegdbomkn

We do not recommend using the Wildix extension because of the following restrictions

  1. Only supports Chrome

  2. You need to always open a tab that runs Wildix Collaboration on your browser. The call will not be initiated if you close the Wildix collaboration even if you installed the extension.

Step 2: Ensure Wildix is properly configured

To configure Wildix, you need to perform the following steps

  1. After installing the Wildix Collaboration Native App (If not installed, you need to install it as mentioned in Step 1), open the app and enter the following information (As mentioned in the below screenshot)

    1. Enter your host details in the text field. If you are unsure about the host, you can contact your organization's technical team.

    2. It is recommended to tick the following options

      1. Bring to front on incoming calls

      2. On close, keep the application running (Selected by default)

      3. Launch Collaboration when system starts

  2. Once you’re done with the above step, you’ll be asked to log in with Wildix. Use your credentials to log in.

  3. Once you log in, you’ll be able to see the Wildix Collaboration App dashboard. As you’ve selected the “On close, keep the application running” option while installing the application, you can close the Wildix Collaboration application if needed and it should run in the background. You can verify it from the notification area if you’re a Windows user.



Step 3: Ensure Wildix is running in the background

It is possible that for some reason Wildix may not run on your system in the background while you're initiating a call via Makerble. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure Wildix is running. You can verify it from the notification area (Attached screenshot) if you’re a Windows user.


If the Wildix application is not running, you can start the Wildix Collaboration Application.

Step 4: Initiate the call correctly via Makerble

Whenever you are initiating a call via Makerble, the Wildix collaboration application will automatically show up (As you selected “Bring to front on incoming calls” in step 2) with a ringtone along with the accept and terminate button on the right side popup as mentioned in the below screenshot. You need to press the green button to initiate the call.


As soon as you’ve pressed the green button, you’ll be able to see the UI gets modified as mentioned in the below screenshot


To terminate the call you need to press the red button. You'll be able to perform all the actions that you can usually perform via Wildix.

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