

You can communicate with your contacts within Makerble using your email address (powered by Gmail or Google Workspace).

  • Within Makerble:

    • Send emails to contacts

    • See emails your contacts have sent you and your colleagues

  • In Gmail

    • See the email conversations that happened via Makerble


Setup the integration

Part 1 of 2: Turn on the Google integration in your organisation

This step is for anyone who is an Organisation Admin.

  1. Select More

  2. Select Control Panel

  3. Select Integrations

  4. Select Add an integration

  5. Select Google

  6. Follow the steps to sign in

  7. You arrive back on Makerble

  8. That’s it

Part 2 of 2: Connect your Makerble User Account to Google

This step is for everyone in your organisation who wants to use the Gmail integration, (including the person who did Part 1 and people who are Organisation Admins).

  1. Select More

  2. Select Settings

  3. Scroll down and press Connect to Google

  4. Follow the steps to sign in

  5. You arrive back on Makerble

  6. Click Save Settings

  7. That’s it

Use the Gmail integration

Access emails within Makerble

The emails box will only appear if your contact has an email address saved to their Bio

  1. Go to a contact’s profile

  2. Scroll down until you see the My Emails and Colleagues' Emails tiles in the right column

Within Makerble: Send emails via Gmail to a contact

Watch the walkthrough: https://www.loom.com/share/80ddb64464194f24b45e596fcf10f047

Within Makerble: See emails sent from Gmail to a contact

Watch the walkthrough: https://www.loom.com/share/1ddabdc668814bd3b9f160661d92028b

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