View individual survey responses

View individual survey responses

There are several ways to view individual survey responses

From the Survey Response Rate tab

  1. Go to the Survey Campaign page which you can do by following these steps or you can use an alternative shortcut

    1. Select My Apps in the top menu

    2. Select Surveys

    3. You arrive on the Manage Surveys page

    4. Use the Surveys used by dropdown to choose the project that you want to view individual survey responses from

    5. You arrive on the project’s Surveys page

    6. Select the survey you want to view responses from

  2. You arrive on the Survey Campaign page’s Start tab

  3. Select the Response Rates tab

  4. You arrive in the Response Rates section which lets you view individual survey responses. How you view the individual responses depends based on who completed the survey

Who the survey was completed by

How to view individual responses

Who the survey was completed by

How to view individual responses

A colleague who is signed in to Makerble

  1. In the Colleagues box: Click the number in the Posts column

  2. A popup launches that lists the survey response stories they have created (note that one story might contain responses for several contacts if your colleague included multiple contacts in one story)

  3. The date that the survey response was created is displayed. Click it to be taken to the survey response

Someone who used the Public Link

  1. In the Public Respondents box: Click the Public Responses text

  2. A popup appears that lists the individual survey responses

  3. Click each response to see it (consider opening it in a new tab)

From the Homepage Newsfeed or a Timeline

E.g. a contact’s Profile Timeline, Project Timeline, Album Timeline, User Timeline)

  1. Press the Filters button

  2. The Filters Overlay appears

  3. Open the Surveys filter to choose the specific survey

  4. Open the Projects filter to choose the specific project

  5. Open the Authors filter

  6. Type

    1. The name of a colleague if you want to see survey responses which they personally entered while they were signed in

    2. Respondent if you want to see responses from

      1. contacts to whom you sent a unique survey link

      2. or people who used the public survey link

    3. Witness if you want to see responses from Perspective Providers to whom you sent a unique link

  7. Click Apply

  8. Responses from contacts are now displayed

  9. Every story in the Timeline has a summary of the story in blue text. The summary will either say “New Update or it will state the numbers recorded for each Progress Tracker within that story.

  10. Whichever it says, click that blue text.

  11. You arrive on the survey response’s page in the Answers tab


From a contact’s Profile Summary

  1. Go to a contact’s Profile

    1. Surveys completed by the contact will appear in their timeline

    2. Alternatively, if the survey uses verdicts, you can see the responses in the Story Categories box on the left side and click View it to view one

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