Download survey responses

Download survey responses

You can download survey responses from two places:

  • The Survey Analytics page: best for downloading responses from a single survey used across multiple projects

  • The Survey Campaign page: best for downloading responses from a single survey used on a single project

There are two ways you can download the responses

Using Download Response Button

This is the best option when the number of responses are not very big as it is instant.


  1. Go to either

    1. the Survey Analytics page (and select the survey and project(s) you are analysing)

    2. or the Survey Campaign page’s Analyse tab

  2. The results will load

  3. Press the Download Responses button

  4. A CSV file is generated that has a row for each answer for each contact to each question


By using the Download Tab

This option is to be used when the number of responses present is much more. This will generate the file of the responses and will make it available for you to download in the My Downloads tab.


  1. Go to either

    1. the Survey Analytics page (and select the survey and project(s) you are analysing)

    2. or the Survey Campaign page’s Analyse tab

  2. The results will load


  3. Click on More Options button


  4. Select the Download Responses option from the dropdown


  5. A popup will appear saying the response will be sent via mail as the file is quite big.

  6. In the mail you will receive a link to the file which is present in the My Download option which can only be seen by a signed in user

  7. You can also see the file by going to the My Downloads page on your own after a while.

  8. To go to the My Downloads page, open the Left side navigation and select Me and Support.

  9. You can see the My Downloads options.

  10. The file can be seen on the page and you can download it from here.


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