Reset the password of an Organisation-controlled User

Reset the password of an Organisation-controlled User

As an Organisation Admin you can reset the password of an organisation-controlled user


  1. Select More in the top menu

  2. A dropdown menu appears

  3. Select Control Panel

  4. You arrive on your organisation’s Control Panel

  5. Select Colleagues

  6. You arrive on the View Colleagues page

  7. In the User Account Actions column there are two buttons displayed next each of your organisation-controlled users

    1. Reset password

    2. Edit Profile

  8. Clicking Reset Password to reset the user’s password

  9. Note that for security reasons, passwords on Makerble must meet the following requirements:

    1. Contain at least 1 capital letter

    2. Contain at least 1 lowercase letter

    3. Contain at least 1 symbol

    4. Contain at least 8 characters

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