See the contacts who are on your Waiting List(s)

See the contacts who are on your Waiting List(s)

The Waiting List is one of four Project States that a contact can exist in when they are part of a project

Waiting List - see contacts on yours.gif

There are four states

  • Waiting List

  • Enrolled

  • Alumni 

  • Declined

These states are enabled from the Project Preferences page


There are two ways to see the Waiting List or people in any other state:

  • Go to the Waiting List for a single project

  • Go to the Waiting List for multiple projects

Access the Waiting List for a Single Project


  1. Select My Apps in the top menu and select Contacts

  2. Press the Filter Contacts button

  3. Set the States filter to Waiting List

  4. Open the Projects filter and select a single project

  5. Press the Apply button in the top right corner 

  6. The page updates to show the contacts that match that criteria

  7. Two additional columns appear on the page, one called Status and the other called Date added to state

    1. Status shows you the state which the person is in

    2. Date added to state shows you when they were added to that state


Access the Waiting List for multiple projects


  1. Follow the same steps as for a single project but select multiple projects instead

  2. Note that when you do this, you will NOT see the two additional columns of Date added to state and Status