Step 1 of 3: Prepare the csv files

Step 1 of 3: Prepare the csv files

Contacts and Stories are imported into Makerble using csv files. Read the article Decide what to import and how before continuing.

Types of content

The image below shows a Contact Profile page.

  • the red box shows content that is created by importing a Contact

  • the purple box shows content that is created by importing a Story with a tagged contact (where in this case, the tagged contact is Abigail Holmes - which is why the stories appear on her Timeline)


CSV file formatting requirements

  • Remove any paragraph breaks from the cells in the spreadsheet

  • Remove all empty columns from the spreadsheet. (It is fine for a column to have a header - i.e. title but to not have any information below that; but there cannot be any columns that are completely empty)

  • Remove all empty rows from the spreadsheet

  • Check that the spreadsheet contains no more than 800 rows - if it does, create multiple spreadsheets as they will be imported separately

Instructions for preparing CSV files

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