Invite new people to join a Progress Board

Invite new people to join a Progress Board

You can invite new people to join a Progress Board - a new Makerble Account will be created for each of those people ad they will receive an email containing their login credentials.

If you have already added users to content within your oeganisation and want to add them to a Progress Board or change their access, use this article instead: Manage users' access to projects, progress boards, albums and events


  1. Select Impact in the left sidebar and choose Progress Boards

  2. You arrive on the Manage Progress Boards page where you’ll see all your Progress Boards as you scroll down the page


  3. Click Edit next to the Progress Board you want to add people to


  4. This opens the Edit Progress Board page.

  5. You’ll arrive on the Basic Information tab. Click Colleagues.

  6. Type the person’s email address into the Members field

  7. Click the blue strip once you’ve typed it in

  8. This saves their email address. You can either continue adding more email addresses or click Save once you’ve added the email addresses of everyone you’re inviting to this Progress Board.

  9. You’ll arrive on the Progress Board’s Preferences tab. Click Save & Finish.

  10. You’ll arrive on the legacy design of your Progress Board.

    1. To see your Progress Board in the new design, click Try the new version

The people you invite will receive an email containing their login credentials

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