Include demographics in a Manual Headcount

Include demographics in a Manual Headcount

Quick Update popup You can include demographics in a Manual Headcount while creating a story that logs progress towards an Attendance Tracker.


What you’ll cover in this article

Why do it

  • You can segment your results when you include demographics in a Manual Headcount

  • This gives you more insight into your results

  • For example, if you conduct surveys or track attendances, you can see for yourself how results compare across different segments, such as Age bracket, Nationality, Gender, etc.

How to do it

There are two ways to include demographics in a Manual Headcount

Option 1: Split your Manual Headcount from the Create Story page (the Complete a Survey page)

  1. Open your project's Post An Update page

  2. Enter the Manual Headcount figure for the metric you are logging progress towards and then click Categorise

  3. A dropdown list appears called Choose your split

  4. Select it and choose the demographic category you want to use to split your Manual Headcount

  5. You can add several

Option 2: Split your Manual Headcount from the Quick Update (Short Story) popup

  1. Launch the Quick Update popup for the metric you want to record progress towards

  2. Add the information including the Manual Headcount amount; and then click Categorise

  3. A dropdown menu appears called Choose your split

  4. Click the dropdown menu to see your list of Categories

  5. Select one

  6. This causes the Answer Choices (Sub Categories) within that Category to appear

  7. As you enter numbers, Makerble will check that the sum of your Split is equal to the amount of Manual Headcount you added

  8. To add another Split, click the Categorise button again

  9. This causes a new Choose your Split dropdown list to appear below your previous Split

  10. Enter information in there, and repeat the process until you've added all the splits you want to do

  11. Then press Publish

  12. You can now segment your results demographically when viewing them on a progress board Analytics view of Progress Board

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