View the Metrics per project

View the Metrics per project

You can see which metrics are used on each project


You must be an Organisation Admin to access this view

  1. Select My Apps in top menu

  2. Select Metrics

  3. Select Organisation Library

  4. Select Metrics per Project

  5. A table appears

    1. Column 1 lists your metrics.

      1. The page numbers at the bottom of the page let you cycle through your entire list of metrics

      2. The Add To button appears next to each Outcome, Activity Tracker and Participation Tracker. This button lets you add that metric to one or more projects. (Multiple Choice trackers, Numerical trackers and Achievement trackers can only be added to a project via an outcome; so add those metrics to an outcome and then add that outcome to the project)

    2. Columns 2 onwards are for each of your projects, listed in alphabetical order (Scroll horizontally to see them all)

    3. The black tick symbol indicates that the metric has been added to that project

    4. The green tick symbol indicates that progress has been recorded for this metric on that project