Outcome Indicators tab of the Metrics library

Outcome Indicators tab of the Metrics library

You can see which Indicators sit within each Outcome.


Rules & Relationships

  • An outcome can have many indicators

  • An indicator can belong to many outcomes

  • Every Tracker-based Question that exists in one of your surveys, is an Indicator


  • An outcome must belong to one of three stages in your Strategy for Change

    • Change in Potential (short-term outcome)

    • Change in Behaviour (medium-term outcome)

    • Change in Experience (long-term outcome)

  • Every indicator will be one of three types of Progress Tracker

    • Achievement Tracker (binary indicator, i.e. a tick box)

    • Multiple Choice Tracker (scale indicator)

    • Numerical Tracker (value indicator)

  1. Select My Apps in the top menu

  2. Select Metrics

  3. You arrive in the Metrics library

  4. It is likely that your outcomes are stored in your Organisation’s library rather than your Personal library, so

    1. use the toggle to switch to Organisation library

    2. and select the name of your organisation

  5. Your organisation’s library loads

  6. Select the Outcome Indicators radio button

  7. A grid loads displaying

    1. Outcomes on the top row

    2. Indicators in the first column

  8. The grid shows you which Indicators are connected to which Outcomes

  9. Click the Connect button to add an Indicator to an Outcome.

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