Deactivate & Reactivate a Survey Campaign

Deactivate & Reactivate a Survey Campaign

You can deactivate a specific survey on a specific project.

What deactivation means

When a survey campaign is deactivated, it means that:

  • You can still view results and responses from a deactivated survey

  • You cannot do the actions described below

What you cannot do when a survey campaign is deactivated

What you cannot do when a survey campaign is deactivated

Complete A Survey

The survey will not be listed in the Complete Survey dropdown on a contact’s profile page underneath that project


Send A Survey

The survey will not be listed on the Send Survey page in the list of surveys underneath that project


The survey campaign will appear as Deactivated

How to deactivate a survey campaign

From the Survey Campaign’s page

  1. Access the Survey Campaign page of the survey on the particular project

  2. If the Survey Campaign is active, the toggle will show that it is Active

  3. Click the toggle to deactivate the survey campaign

  4. The status will change to say Deactivated

You can reactivate the survey campaign by clicking that toggle again.

From the Manage Organisation’s Surveys page

  1. Select My Apps

  2. Select Surveys

  3. In the Surveys used by dropdown list, select your organisation

  4. The page displays every survey that has been added to at least one project

  5. Press Manage Survey Campaigns

  6. A popup appears that shows every project that the survey is used on

  7. Press Deactivate next to the project you want the survey deactivated on

  8. Press Close

Reactivating a survey campaign

All survey campaigns are active by default.

If a Survey Campaign has been deactivated, you can reactivate it as long as you are a Project Manager or Organisation Admin.


  1. Access the Survey Campaign page

  2. The status of the survey campaign will say Deactivated if it is deactivated

  3. Click the toggle to reactivate the Survey Campaign

  4. The status will change to say Active


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