Add a contact's Mobile Phone Number for SMS messaging

Add a contact's Mobile Phone Number for SMS messaging

You can add a contact's Mobile phone number to their Contact Profile.

If SMS Messaging is turned on for your organisation, you can use the mobile phone number of each contact to:

  • Send them SMS messages

  • Receive SMS messages from them


  1. Go to the Contact Profile page of the contact whom you want to add the mobile phone number of

  2. Press either of the Edit Bio buttons

  3. You arrive on the Edit Contact page

  4. Scroll down to the field that has been designated as a mobile phone number field.

    1. If it is in a different Contact form tab, select that tab and scroll down until you see the designated mobile phone field.

    2. (Optional: Read the step-by-step instructions on editing a contact)

  5. Enter the mobile phone number in the field in the correct format

  6. Press save

Essential Formatting

The field(s) that you add a contact's Mobile phone number into must be text fields that are designated as mobile phone fields.

When adding a contact's mobile phone number, you must include the country code with the “+” prefix and without the first zero.

  • For example, if a contact's mobile phone number is 07123 456 789, you must store their number on Makerble as +44 7123 456 789


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