Manual Headcount versus Progress tagged to contacts

Manual Headcount versus Progress tagged to contacts

You can distinguish between:

Watch the walkthrough

The 3 ways to log progress

You have 3 progress-logging options on Makerble

  1. Tagged Contacts only

  2. Manual Headcount only

  3. Both

These 3 options can be used with:

As a Project Manager you can decide which of the three progress-logging options are available across your project. See the Setup Steps below.

Option 1: Tagged Contacts only

In a Short Story (Quick Update)

In a Survey Response

Option 2: Manual Headcount only

In a Short Story (Quick Update)

  • When there are no Contacts in a project, you can only log progress towards progress trackers using Manual Headcount numbers.

In a Survey Response

Option 3: Both

In a Short Story (Quick Update)

In a Survey Response

Set your project’s default option

How to choose the right option for your project

Possible options for each type of Outcome and Progress Tracker


Option 1: Tagged Contacts only

Option 2: Anonymous Numbers only

Option 3: Both


Option 1: Tagged Contacts only

Option 2: Anonymous Numbers only

Option 3: Both

Activity Trackers


Activity Trackers use a different kind of number


Activity Trackers use a different kind of number


Activity Trackers use a different kind of number

Attendance Trackers




Achievement Trackers(Binary Indicators)




Numerical Trackers

(Value Indicators)



Not Possible

Progress towards Numerical sub goals must be in relation to a Contact

Not Possible

Progress towards Numerical sub goals must be in relation to a Contact

Multiple Choice Trackers (Scale Indicators)




How to set your project’s default option

You have to be a Project Manager or Organisation Admin to manage your project’s preferences

  1. Go to the Project Preferences page

  2. To enable Option 1: Record progress with Tagged Contacts only

    1. Tick “Hide the Manual Headcount section on create story pages if there are project contacts”

    2. Ensure there are contacts added to the project

    3. Now you will only see option to record progress with tagged contacts while posting Short Stories and Survey Responses. (You will still have the option to collect Manual Headcount from a Survey Campaign page)

  3. To enable Option 2: Record progress with Manual Headcount only

    1. Leave “Hide the Manual Headcount section on create story pages if there are project contacts” unticked

    2. Do not add any contacts to the project

    3. Now you will only see option to record progress with Manual Headcount while posting Short Stories and Survey Responses, unless you add contacts to the project. (Although even if you do add contacts to the project, you can still post a Manual Headcount only story by selecting the Manual Headcount options on a Survey Campaign page)

  4. To enable Option 3: Record progress with both Tagged Contacts and Manual Headcount

    1. Leave “Hide the Manual Headcount section on create story pages if there are project contacts” unticked

    2. Add contacts to the project

    3. Now you will see the option to add Manual Headcount as well as the option to tag contacts

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