Connect your organisation to Wildix | turn on the integration

Connect your organisation to Wildix | turn on the integration

If you are already a Wildix customer, you can connect Wildix to Makerble.


Only an Organisation Admin on Makerble can connect their Wildix Account to their Makerble Organisation

  1. Access the Integrations App:

    • Log in to your Makerble account and navigate to the Integrations App.


  2. Add an Integration:

    • Click on the "Add an Integration" button.


  3. Select Wildix from the List:

    • In the integration options, locate Wildix and select it.

    • After addition it will look like this

    • Further, click on authorize access


  4. Follow the Login Instructions:

    • Enter your Wildix credentials as prompted. This step may open an additional window or tab, ensuring a secure login process.


  5. Complete the Connection:

    • Once you've successfully logged in, you will see Wildix appear on the Manage Integrations page, indicating a successful connection.

  6. Expand Integration Options:

    • Click the down-facing arrow next to Wildix. This section will expand to reveal additional integration settings.

  7. Go to the Manage Integrations page

  8. Under Wildix click Manage

  9. Then you arrive on the Wildix Account page

  10. Press Wildix Settings

  11. You arrive on the Wildix Settings page

    1. In the Fields to use for Wildix integrations: enter the field(s) you are using to store the Phone Numbers of your contacts. Note: you can only select a Telephone field.

    2. In the Enter Wildix Host Address field, enter your Wildix URL.

      1. It will probably be organisation-name.wildixin.com

      2. Make sure there is NOT a forward slash after the web address

      3. But you can confirm this by reading the documentation How to access Wildix APIs using Postman OAuth 2.0

    3. Then press the Validate Wildix Address to confirm that the Wildix Host Address is correct

    4. If it is correct, you’ll see a popup that says Wildix host address available. Just press OK.

    5. In the Application ID and Application Secret fields, enter your ID and Secret which you can obtain from your Wildix portal. Here’s how to obtain those: How to access Wildix APIs using Postman OAuth 2.0


    6. Press Save

By following these steps, you ensure a smooth integration between your Wildix account and Makerble.

If you’re facing any troubles while initiating the call, please read Troubleshoot Problems While Initiating Calls via Wildix

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