How to use the User Guide

How to use the User Guide

You are in the Web User Guide

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Welcome to the Makerble Web User Guide

Makerble is a powerful platform that allows individuals and organizations to track, measure, and communicate their social impact. With features such as impact tracking, project management, data visualization, collaboration tools, integration possibilities, and robust support, Makerble empowers you to make a difference in your communities and drive positive change. Makerble's user guide will provide you with the necessary information to navigate and utilize Makerble effectively, helping you unlock your full potential as a changemaker.

This user guide is searchable, and has visual elements, allowing you to quickly find the information you need, visuals and walkthroughs in this user guide make the learning process more engaging, efficient, and user-friendly.

Find what you’re looking for by using the search bar at the top of the page

Click a link to access articles that explain how that feature works

Our software is designed to enable everyone to achieve every goal that matters to them

  • There are several Apps on the platform:

  • Makerble lets you and your contacts create stories tagged with progress towards goals.

  • Analysing your progress shows you where you need to improve and position yourself to achieve your goal.


Makerble Apps

Choose your User Guide

There is a User Guide for each of the ways you access Makerble