Add progress towards metrics while posting a Timeline Update from a contact's profile page
You can add progress towards metrics while posting an update from the Contact Profile Page using the Timeline Update box.
The Timeline Update box only appears on the Contact Profile Page when the following conditions are met:
The user has Post Update Access to the contact
The contact is within a project
The user is a project reporter, project manager or organisation admin
Go to the Contact Profile Page of the contact you want to post a story about
Start typing in the Share Progress box
The text box will expand once you start typing in it
Use the Project dropdown list to make sure that your update is being saved within the correct project
Use the different parts of the Timeline Update box to post your update
Press the Add progress button (Green arrow)
This causes 3 tabs to appear called:
The Activity tab lets you log progress towards an Activity Tracker
A list of the project’s Activity Trackers is shown
Enter a number in the box that relates to the Activity Tracker you want to log progress towards (e.g. 5 Startup Kits Distributed)
The Interactions tab lets you log progress towards an Attendance Tracker
Tick the Tracker(s) that you want to log progress towards for this contact, e.g. Attendees
You can select multiple Trackers if you want to
The Impact tab lets you log progress towards indicating Trackers, i.e.
a Multiple Choice Tracker - represented by a dropdown list
an Achievement Tracker - represented by a tickbox
a Numerical Tracker - represented by a number box
Enter the data that relates to this contact and press Post in the top right corner of the Timeline Update box to save the story